Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22, 2015 - First Week in the CCM

Hello Family and Friends!

My P-day is on Wednesday. We went out and explored Lima today, it way so cool. Lima has 10 million people in it, it’s huge. We also went to the Lima, Peru temple today it is really small compared to the Payson Temple. I have already had so many cool experiences. My companion is way nice and he wrestled in Idaho, go figure. Also, tell Tyler we play soccer everyday. Every missionary even the Hermanas wear soccer shirts. I’m wearing a Real Madrid shirt now. There are more hermanas here than elders.

The food here is good, we have rice and chicken everyday, and when we are lucky we get chicken and rice. Here in the field everybody has siempres or nuncus. It is either always coming or not coming at all. For me it had definitely been the nuncas. I have really good teachers but Spanish is hard. We teach every night. My companion and I successfully committed an investigator to come to lunch and to be baptized on Saturday. The Latinos and I get along great, they are so much fun. Elder Romero and I are literally best buds. He calls me spirit horse because of the shirt I wear and because I asked him if he drinks horse milk. --- I don’t know what I was trying to say. I love the work but it is hard especially in Spanish.

I’m sorry I’m not sending any pictures. We have hardly any time to write and the pictures take a while to load, and I can only realistically send two. I will try to send some next week when I get some more. The weather is really nice here. Lima is a really polluted city. Keep me updated on the family. There are so many missionaries going to Chiclayo. I get along with my district well, probably too well. It’s hard for me to concentrate sometimes. I will definitely have lots of friends in the St. George area when I get home. The CCM is so boring, we sit, eat ,study, sit, eat, study, sit, eat, and shower. It is driving me crazy. I hate learning from books. I learn more in the five minutes at night talking with Ganso Bravo than I do sitting in class all day. Per yo se que la iglesia es verdadero. Yo se que jesucristo es mi salvador. Yo se que jesucristo es el hijo de dios. Yo se que josé smith es un profeta. Creo in dios y la resturación. Yo se que jesucristo amarado nuestro. Me encanta mi familia y el evangelio. Estoy gradacido para la oportunidad a enseño las personas de pero. La gente de pero es muy muy simpatico. Me amo ellos mucho. Hasta luego.

- Elder Goold