Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29th

Hey Everyone!

This week was a really busy but productive week. First off, we have two investigators that have accepted to be baptized in April, and I am so happy. I pray that I will not get changed out of this area. The first investigator that accepted a baptismal date is named Teresa. We brought other investigators with us to teach her, something that I have never done before. They both bore their testimonies. Thanks to them really, she accepted a baptismal date. La familia Santa Cruz bore their testimonies on how we, my companion and I, have changed their lives. And how they are better people now, and can feel God blessing their lives en todos momentos. They were crying and pleading for her to be baptized. The spirit was so strong and she accepted. It was an amazing experience.

     Today we also changed rooms! I have been dreaming for this day for so long. It’s been almost an entire month without a bathroom and I could go into details on how to live without a toilet and shower, but I will spare you. :) We will be living like kings now that we have a bathroom that works haha. We piled all of our stuff on a little moto taxi. Beds, desks, suitcases, mattresses, everything. It was really funny. The power of Peruvian engineering to fit everything onto one tiny moto taxi.  To make the week even better a member found and brought me a Mt.Dew. The first Mt.Dew I have had in 7 months! I sniffed it for so long and made the family of my pensionista smell it too. We all drank small little cups of it and they thought I was crazy but it made my day. Mt. Dew is still the best drink on earth.  Life goes by so fast here but I love every minute I have to spend in these dusty streets. I love helping my brown brothers and sisters return to our Heavenly Father:)    

Elder Goold

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Feb. 15th

Hello Friends and Family,

Well, Elder Bustillos and I get along great and we work really hard. We have two good investigators right now, but we are having difficulties getting them to come to church. We are praying to see what we should do to help them progress and come to church. P-days are really fun here. We play soccer with the entire zone every p-day. I feel like my Spanish is improving and I'm becoming a better Preach My Gospel missionary. I know that if we work hard everyday the Lord will put people in our path. My testimony is growing little by little everyday. I know the Book of Mormon has power and really truly is the most correct book we have here on earth. The only problem is lots of people here in Peru don't know how to read. You can't simply say read this and pray to know if its true. In result of people not knowing how to read, I have almost memorized the introduction because we read it so much haha. Love you all. Keep doing the little things and put God first. I know he will bless you more than you can imagine.          

Love, Elder Goold

Friday, February 12, 2016

February 8, 2016

Hello Friends and Family,

This week our bathroom stopped working, so we spent awhile looking for new rooms. The funny and sad thing is that there are no other available rooms in Villa Hermosa with working bathrooms.  I have no idea what we are going to do. Today Elder Quisbert met with the missionary that baptized his mom. It was and amazing experience. They talked and laughed and cried. I felt the spirit so strong. I imagine that's what heaven might be like when we meet in the next life. Elder Quisbert is leaving Tuesday for Bogua which is in Jaen, about 8 hours away in the Amazon. He will be training and opening up a new area. He definitely has his work cut out for him. He will do great. I'm really sad, we only had one change together. We got along really well and taught well too. My new companion is Elder Bustillos from Lima, Peru. Each one of my companions has been from a different country, so cool. I know that Elder Bustillos and I will work really hard and see some exito here in Villa Hermosa de polvo haha.(the beautiful city of dust)  My testimony is growing everyday.  Love you all and thanks for your emails and letters.

Elder Goold

February 1, 2016

Hello Friends and Family,

On, wednesday Presidente Williams showed up to our district meeting. It was definitely a surprise. Everyone was a little bit nervous. Presidente Williams is a hell fire and repentence type missionary. It’s really good because its something I have been struggling with lately. It’s always been hard for me to tell people that they need to repent. President Williams wants us to stop being kind friends and to start being missionaries. I have been working on being bolder. This week it rained super hard. My area does not have any paved roads, so we trudged through the ankle deep mud all day. We helped people throw water out of their homes for a good portion of the day. Elder Quisbert and I were so dang muddy, but it was way fun. It gave us a little rest from the Peruvian sun. We have been struggling to get people to come to church but next week hopefully we will have some luck. I know that repentance shows God that we are willing to follow his consejo and stop being prideful. I never thought I would have to repent much as a missionary, but I find myself repenting more now than ever before. I know that through repentance, I can become a better disciple of Jesus Christ.


Elder Goold