Friday, October 23, 2015

October 19, 2015

Hello Everyone,

So this week, we had the opportunity to listen to a member of the seventy. He spoke with real power and authority. He was really hard on us because he wants us to be true disciples of Christ and teach to the best of our ability. He taught us how to really teach by showing rather than talking. He taught us the best techniques to really touch the hearts of the Peruvian people. My companion and I have started to pray and read the Book of Mormon with our investigators. They are usually not too motivated to keep commitments. Last night was really hard for me. I found one of my best friends drunk in the park, Walon. I was nearly in tears when I asked him what he was doing? I felt bad because I think I was a little hard on him. He could definitely tell I was hurt by what he was doing. I let him know that we are still here for him no matter what and that the atonement can pick us up every time we fall. The mission field is definitely a big roller coaster ride. My companion and I have been really focusing on menos activos this week. We are trying to get them to come back to church, but they can be stubborn sometimes. I know with all my heart Christ restored his church and we truly have the authority to act in his name. If we will do his will, miracles will happen. I have seen them.

Love Elder Goold

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 2015

Hello Everyone,

This week was really sad with our investigators. Walon is leaving town for a week or two and none of our investigators came to church. Right now, we have been looking and looking for some new investigators, but we only find testigos de jehova. They make me so angry sometimes. I know they are children of God but they believe in some weird things. On the bright side Elder Warren is my new zone leader and he is in my district too. It is so awesome to talk to him and bring back the good ole times. We played soccer for p-day and had lunch. I almost ate a rock I found in my lunch too haha. We have a meeting with a member of the seventy this week. Also this week I lost my missionary nametag. What a surprise right?  Well the Lord always helps his missionaries because I prayed to find it and yes I found it! I found it half buried in the dust. It must have been run over a hundred times or more. I went from a two-month missionary to a two-year missionary really fast haha. Prayer is so unique in our church. We are constantly teaching people how to pray, so they can know the truth for themselves. I have been praying a lot more lately about anything. God does answer prayers! The drunks haven't bothered us since I have prayed for them to leave us alone.  I love this gospel so much and my testimony is growing. I never want to loose this religious "high". Thank you for your letters and prayers.

Love, Elder Goold

P.S We have to use a hose to flush the toilet. Ha-Just knew you wanted to know that!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 5, 2015

Hello Family and Friends,

            So this week was awesome, thanks to conference. It’s so funny how your desires change on the mission. I felt like I was watching the super bowl. I absolutely loved every talk. My favorites were by Elder Holland and Elder Nelsen. They both talked about the power of womanhood. Their talks were so strong and so definitely true especially in Peru. Each Sunday 70 percent or more of the people are mujeres. It makes me so grateful for the women in my life and especially my mom that raised me in the gospel through both great and tough times. It’s amazing to think Jesus Christ talked with Mary after the resurrection and Joseph smith talked with his mother right after the first vision. We have a baptismal date for Walon this month. I don't think he will make it because he is struggling with the word of sabiduria. He is so nice and really wants to change. The bands of addiction are so strong and I feel for him so much. Your prayers for Walon would be much appreciated. Thank you for all your prayers and concern. I love you all and the restored simple gospel we have today.

Love, Elder Goold