Monday, September 28, 2015

September 28, 2015

Hello Friends and Family,

            This week we had some really good lessons. The members have been so helpful and have been giving us many references. I have come to love the scriptures. Never in my life have I been so interested in something, and loved to read the scriptures so much. I know that there is power in knowing the scriptures. The Book of Mormon can answer any question you may have and definitely help you through struggles. I have also started reading Jesus the Christ. It’s amazing what you can learn when you read them side-by-side. It also helps to have a companion that is a scriptorian. Elder Waddell has taught me so much about the scriptures that I never knew. I'm so happy to be here right now and share my love of this gospel with the people of Tuman. They may not be able to understand me yet, but I know they can feel the spirit when I talk. I love you all.

Love, Elder Goold

P.S. No we didn't catch any fish!

Monday, September 21, 2015

September 21, 2015

Hello Friends and family,

Well, transfers were this week so my new companion is Elder Waddell. He has only been here for five months, but he studied Spanish for five years so he is completely fluent. It is a night and day difference when it comes to companions. I feel like I just got out to the mission field again, but I know you can learn something from each one of your companions. He works really hard, and he is from Boise, Idaho.

 This week we baptized Arturo. I baptized him, and it was an awesome experience. He is a bigger dude and I almost baptized myself in the process. I know he will be a strong leader in the church. Right now we are teaching some of his friends so that’s awesome. The drunken dudes love the white kids. This one drunken dude hugged me and proceeded to kiss me on the face and on the neck. It was so disgusting. He had an eagle death grip on me. Elder Lopez was laughing so hard. This week I learned the importance of the ward members. My companion and I are both new to this area. The members have kindly showed us around and not only gave us references, but helped us teach as well. This has helped us so much. I know when I get home I need to still be involved in the missionary work. Elder Bednar told us that the members find and the elders teach. I am constantly learning. Sometimes I feel like the investigator. My testimony is constantly growing. I know that the Savior knows us personally. 

Love, Elder Goold