Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 6, 2017

Dear Family and Friends,

We had an amazing week. We found lots of new investigators. We also found a family that has great potential to be baptized. This week, we had stake conference and President Williams spoke. He spoke about the importance of daily scripture study. He said reading the scriptures is like reading Gods Journal. President gave our district permision to go see the big musuem in Lambayeque. It was so cool. We paid for a guide to tell us about the history of ancient Northern Peru. It was really interesting. She talked about the plan of salvation and how the ancient tribes here believed in life after death. Much of the history was similar to the Book of Mormon. Us missionaries were smiling the entire time. Its hard to believe that I am on the last week of my mission. I have so many mixed emotions about ending the mission but I'm happy for a new chapter in my life. Before the mission everyone told me that you don't go on a mission for "you." You go on a mission to serve others and share the gospel. That is a very true statement, but I feel like serving a mission was the absolute best thing I could do for me, Dallin Goold. I learned how amazing God's plan is for his children. I saw the faces of people light up to hear the simple truths of the doctrine. I felt the spirit strongly listening to someone pray for the first time. I even cried when someone I loved didn't come to church. Serving the Peruvian people for the last two years has given me a small taste of true happiness. I know God loves us. I can't wait to see him again someday. I pray that I may see some slightly darker faces in heaven too. I love Peru. I know God exists and I'm so greatful for the atoning sacrifice of my savior Jesus Christ. He is the Prince of Peace. Sometimes, I just don't know how I could ever repay what Christ did for me, but I'm sure going to try. I'm going to do it one day at a time. "Those that loose their life for my sake shall find it." 

                           Love Elder Goold

Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15, 2017

Have fun with this email!

Esta semana fue super chevere. Trabajamos arduamente toda la semana y vimos los frutos de nuestro trabajo. Tuvimos el bautismo de la hermana Radarani sábado. Todo salio bien y fue un momento bien espiritual. Ella lloro al salir de la pila bautismal y sentí el espíritu testificando que esta es la verdad. No hay nada mejor a sentir que tienes la verdad y francamente nunca quiero apartarme de este camino. Los hijos de hermana Radarani fueron un poco inquietos durante el bautismo. Uno se escapo de su padre y casi se bautizo con su madre jaja. Fue un poco chistoso. El tiempo que tuve para hacer skype con mi familia fue muy edificante para mi. Se que las familias pueden ser eternas. Siempre digo a mis investigadores que el cielo no seria tan dulce sin nuestras familias. Amo a esta iglesia y su doctrina perfecta. Estoy feliz de seguir trabajando con nuestro padre celestial en su obra de salvación. Que placentero nos es trabajar en la viña del gran rey jesus, que placentero es...    

Elder Goold 

Monday, April 17, 2017

April 17, 2017 - Area #7 in Campilonico in the Latina Zone

 Dear Family and Friends,

What a crazy week. First off, we got stuck in a mudslide again. On our way to Chiclayo our bus driver decided to go four-wheeling. It was awesome. On the down side, it took forever to get the bus unstuck. We finally pulled the bus out with a big tractor. It was an experience I will never forget.

t was sad to leave Chacha but I am adjusting well in Chiclayo. My companion is from Santa Cruz, Bolivia. His name is Elder Arredondo. We are getting along fine. We both go home the same time, which is interesting. We have a district of eight people here in Latina. Everyone has 20 months or more on the mission, wow! I forgot how hot Chiclayo is. I really like our pension. She has two small boys that I am training to be the first national champion Peruvian wrestlers. I want to take them home with me.

It is so nice to be in a ward. I have been serving in a branch for the last year of my mission. Frequently, I felt so overwhelmed trying to run these small branches. Here in this ward of Campodonico, we have so many leaders. It’s so nice just to worry about being a missionary and not a branch president. We have an amazing ward mission leader and ward missionaries. Three of them are expecting mission calls in the upcoming weeks. I'm happy to be here to serve and serve a little more.    

Elder Goold

Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10, 2017

Dear Family and Friends,

This week was a little bitter-sweet. We had a zone meeting in Jaen, which was excellent. We also had TWO baptisms! I am so happy! Nicol and Joel both got baptized this week. They are so amazing and have great testimonies of the gospel. It took us two days trying to heat up the baptismal font with boiling water. It never did work too well, but the baptism still was a success. We had lots of people show up to support the new converts of the church.

While we were in the church cleaning up, President Williams called me. We talked for a little bit and he personally let me know that I had a change. I felt honored to be called personally by President Williams about changes because that doesn't happen to often. He expressed how happy he was with the work we have done here in Chacha. He also let me know that it was my time to go. It was heart breaking to leave my small mountain town of Chachapoyas. The people and members I will remember for the rest of my life. It was six months of so much personal growth for me. I love the people so much. Leaving Sunday, I was just speechless. I hope someday in the future, I might be able to go back to my small Chachapoyas town.

Today, I am in Jaen and will be traveling to Chiclayo this afternoon. I will be going to Campilonico in the Latina Zone. This will be my last area of my mission! That is so crazy, it has gone by way to fast. Saying goodbye to Elder Johnson is going to be hard today. I would say we are closer to being brothers than just good friends. I know this work is truly the work of salvation. I know Jesus Christ is my Savior. I invite everyone to watch the new pascua(Easter) video. I can feel the spirit so strong every time I watch it. I can't wait to work hard in my new area. I pray that God might bless me just a little bit more, so I can go home wet:)  

Love Elder Goold

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

March 21, 2017

Dear Family and Friends,

This week was definitely one of the craziest weeks I have had on the mission.  We were in our area just Sunday. Sunday was a great day. I was able to give a baptismal interview. It was a super spiritual experience for me. His name is Frandy. Although he passed his interview to be baptized, President Williams wants us to wait to baptize him until he can be baptized with his family. Hopefully, that will be in the near future.

The rest of the week was spent traveling to Chiclayo and back. Last week after church we headed down to Jaen. Due to road blockage from a mud-slide, we had to take a different route to Chiclayo. We were able to see so many new parts of Peru. It was amazing. We took a three-hour dirt road trip to a high mountain Peruvian town called Cutervo. It was absolutely gorgeous. Peru is such a beautiful country. Afterwards, we took a six-hour bus ride from Cutervo to Chiclayo. We drove past Tuman, the first area of my mission.

Arriving to Chiclayo was actually pretty sad. Due to all the rainstorms, the entire city of Chiclayo is flooded. The people of Chiclayo are trying to save everything they have. Chiclayo has no hills, so all the water just stays in the streets. It is extremely hot and humid. The mosquitoes are ramped and the sewage system is not functioning. Please pray for the people of Chiclayo. The elders in Chiclayo are finding lots of service opportunities, which helps them find new investigators.

The multi zone meeting was amazing. The highlight for me was learning how to teach who God is. Probably the most important thing we do as missionaries.  I found this quote this morning by Jeffery R Holland. "We need to learn who God is more fully, in order to love him more deeply and obey him more completely." I love that quote so much. We arrived late Saturday night back in Chachapoyas.

Monday, we were not able to write because Chachapoyas simply didn't have internet connection that day - haha. I sure do love Peru. I hope you all had an amazing week. I invite you all to learn with me more about our loving Father in Heaven. As we do so, I know that we will be able to truly show the pure love of Christ.

A nuestros semejantes:)       
Elder Goold

Photos from the Multi-Zone Conference