Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31, 2016 - Area #6 in Chachapoyas

Hello Friends and Family,

This week has been full of buses and taxi rides. Today I'm in Jaen and we will be traveling to Chiclayo in the afternoon for a multizone conference. This week, I will be in Jaen and Chiclayo for the entire week so I will not be able to see much of Chachapoyas. From what I have seen of Chacha is absolutely amazing. Its about 8,000 feet above sea level and it is filled with trees, hills and amazing people. It honestly reminds me of Park City. I have seen lots of american and european tourists. The price of living is also a lot more expensive here. The climate is perfect, not to hot and not to cold either. Our pension is really nice and cooks well. My companions name is Elder Flores from Chosika, Peru. We get along so well. I feel like he has been my favorite companion so far. We go running in the mornings and it is so refreshing to see the beautiful mountains and greenery. The branch here in Chacha is small but strong.

I gave a sacrament talk and I feel like the Lord helped me speak what the people needed to hear. I feel it was the best church talk I have ever given. I feel so blessed to be in my area. Not to many missionaries here get to see Chachapoyas. Elder Stout is our district leader and we get along too well. haha. He is a cowboy that lives down near Kanab, Utah. He is also from my CCM group. We didn't get much teaching time in this week because we have been traveling so much. From Chiclayo to Jaen is 6 hours. From Jaen to Chachapoyas is another 4 hours. We are 10 hours away from the mission home. Life is so good right now and sometimes I have to fight back tears because I feel so so blessed. I promise I will send lots of pictures next week.             
Elder Goold

Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24, 2016

Hello Friends and Family,

This week was filled with mixed emotions, but a very fun and exciting week. This week, I had a work change with Elder Valdez from Cochabamba, Bolivia. It was really fun to teach with him for a day and I learned so much. This week, we also had interviews with President Williams. I was able to ask him lots of questions I have had on my mind about our area of Demetrio Acosta. We talked for a long time and it was an uplifting experience. President Williams gave me the strict order to find a new room because our old room only got water at certain times each day. This week was spent using my mom's real estate skills looking for a new room. When the people see a gringo trying to rent a room here everybody starts to clean the spare room in their homes so we can rent it haha.  We looked hard and long and were finally able to find an amazing room that has a water tank, so it gets water all day long. This week is changes and Elder Salas and I both have changes. That was hard to take because I love this area so much and we have so many good Investigators. Our entire p-day was spent taking pictures and saying "chow" to everyone. The Zone leaders are going to move here to our area in the new room that I was never able to live in! haha. I'm not complaining, I promise. Hermanas will be moving into the old area of the zone leaders. My companion is going to Reque in La Victoria. I will be moving to CHACHAPOYAS!!! I am just a little excited. Chachapoyas is the coolest area in our mission. Its nine hours away from our mission home, up in the mountains and jungle area.  Leaving to Chacha is helping me take the sting away from leaving Demetrio. On the bright side, I know the zone leaders will do an amazing job with all of our investigators. I'm so excited to see something green and experience a new culture in Chacha. I leave tomorrow morning at eight and I will be traveling all day. My mind is running around in circles. I'm looking forward to starting a new chapter here in the mission field.


Elder Goold

Monday, October 17, 2016

October 17, 2016

Hello Friends and Family,

This week was fun and we were able to find and teach many of our investigators. I had and exchange this week with my CCM companion Elder Bagley. It was so much fun to teach together and talk about all of our missionary experiences. Here in Demetrio Acosta, we also had a good week. Manuel (our 80 year old investigator) is doing well and he is understanding more and more. We were able to teach him with a member that is 92 years old! The lesson was super funny and it was fun to see them talk. We also have another amazing investigator named Humberto. This week, we should be able to visit him more to help him progress and come to church. He has a strong desire to change his life and be baptized. We are still working with Luis. He has a strong testimony and always comes to all the church activities. I'm worried that he will return to Spain and not be able to go to church because of work. He is the best investigator I have ever had on my mission.

Funny Story: This week on the way home from Morrupe (the extremely poor, sand dune village) I stepped on something hard getting into the combie (van). Not thinking much of it, I just sat down and looked at the man next to me. In a very polite manner, he told me I had just stepped on his goat. I looked below at my feet and sure enough I had stepped on the poor man's goat. I felt sorry but he let me take a picture anyway.  Here in Peru, it is not uncommon to share a seat with an animal haha. I love Peru! I know I'm growing closer to my Father in Heaven daily. I feel so fortunate to feel the spirit every day as we testify of the restored gospel.     

Elder Goold

P.S. That is my shoe and pant leg and don't worry the goat lived. The chickens are alive too. Always makes for an interesting ride. :)

Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10, 2016

Hello Friends and Family,

This week, we had zone meeting which is always a very spiritual experience. I love hearing from all the missionaries and to learn from them. They always have so many amazing suggestions and comments to help us in the missionary work. One of the best parts about being a missionary is simply being with other amazing missionaries that love to preach the gospel. On the downside, our entire zone was plagued with the flu. Each one of us got sick but we are all now recovering. We were able to find a few more investigators this week as we contacted a different side of our area. Luis Alberto is progressing so well. He comes to church and all the church activities including almost every session of general conference. He is someone that truly was prepared to listen to our message. Sadly, he returns to Barcalona the seventh of December. I'm not looking forward to that at all. The picture inclosed is a picture of us at a church activity. 

We are still teaching Manuel. He comes to church every week and he waits for us daily to come and teach him. He is almost 80 years old and he doesn't remember the things we teach him too well. I don't really know what I can do to help him remember more so he can pass his baptismal interview. haha!  The work is going great here in Demetrio Acosta. I'm learning to trust in the Lord more and I feel like He is starting to put more trust in me. Sometimes, my favorite thing to do is to just sit with people in the street and talk to them about life and become their friend. I'm gaining lots of new friends and seeing lots of new smiles.           

Elder Goold